Noemi Veberič Levovnik
Noemi Veberič Levovnik (b. 1985, Slovenia) is an interdisciplinary artist working with performance art, sound, text and moving image. Noemi completed her Master's in contemporary visual art, cinema and new media in Paris and Quimper, France. She is currently based in Berlin.
Noemi Veberič Levovnik was born in 1985 in Yougoslavia, which 6 years later became Slovenia.
During her turbulant childhood she was already very artistically active and this child is still very present in her performances and interactions with the audience. In her wild highschool years she immersed herself in the cinematic culture, started making her own videos, wrote a movie script for a lesbian love story, wrote numerous poems during mathemathics lessons and performed them in the Poetry events she organised in the squats of Metelkova, while also drawing and painting at the visual arts Highschool she attended in Ljubljana. She moved to France at age of 18 to pursue a year of work in the field of theatre as an actress and scenography/costume designer with the group La Strada in Troyes. Later she completed a Bachelor with Major in Film and Minor in Visual Arts at the University Paris 8 (while working a lot with video - here, and drawing - here). She pursued the developpement of her artistic practice into predominantly video art and installation at the Ecole d’Art de Quimper, where she obtained her DNSEP in 2011 - presenting installations and an artist book/diploma Chambres et Hors Chambres. In 2013 she graduated from a Contemporary Art and new Media Masters at the University Paris 8, writing about her creative practice - the creative process, the characters, the narratives and the spaces that appear in her artistic work (you can read or see more of that here).
Since 2013 she has been freelancing as a visual artist and performer and has also had a number of odd jobs on the site (most of which involved teaching or disciplining someone).
Since 2014 she has explored the medium of live art through many solo performances, has directed shows, worked as assistant theatre director and actress.
Her artistic practice continues to be interdisciplinary at its core. It contains drawing, painting, installation, sound and music, photography, performance and video.
Noemi is currently working between Berlin and Slovenia.
2000 – 2004 Visal Art Highschool in Ljubljana, Slovenia
2006 – 2009 Bachelor's degree: major Film and minor Visual art at University Paris 8, Paris Saint-Denis, France
2009 – 2011 Master's degree in contemporary art practice at Ecole Supérieure d’Art de Quimper, Quimper, France, magna cum laude
2011 – 2013 Master's degree in contemporary artand new media at University Paris 8, Paris Saint-Denis, France (mention très bien - summa cum laude)
2009 « Dad de Stephen Dwoskin ou le miroir intérieur » (Dad of Stephen Dwoskin or the Inner Mirror), 2009, Bachelor's Thesis, Université Paris 8, 40 pages
2011 « Chambres et Hors-chambres, les fragments d’un monde » (Chambers and Off-Chambers, Fragments of a World), 2011, artist book and Master's Thesis for DNSEP, École Supérieure d’art de Quimper, 261 pages
2013 « ENTRE INTÉRIORITÉ ET EXTÉRIORITÉ : rêve et mémoire, figures de l’ambivalence, formes de la narration, processus créatifs » (Between Interiority and Exteriority: Dream and Memory, Figures of Ambivalence, Forms of Narration, Creative Processus), 2013, Master's Thesis, Université Paris 8, 127 pages
2018 Room on the Street (Kotičkanje v Sobi na ulici), interactive installation for children, Novi Trg, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 5 times June-August
2017 Fairy Tale Room, interactive installation for children, Novi Trg, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 5 times June-August
2016 Twosomes, show with Arven Šakti Kralj Szomi, installation Burn old love burn, Gallery DLUL, part of Photonic Moments festival 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2016 Video evening - retrospective overview of my video work, Gallery Photon, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2015 In rooms of memories that were not, multimedia installation + live performances + sound piece, Žalec, Savin's Fine Art Salon, Slovenia
2015 Looking for the nightlife, multimedia spatial installation, Gallery Alkatraz and Modern Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2015 Room on the street, interactive installation for kids, Ljubljana, Novi trg (June, July, August) at Kolodvorska ulica (22th of September), Slovenia
2014 My Room, interactive installation for kids, Novi trg, Ljubljana (June, July, August), Slovenia
2013 Etats - States - Stanja, video, Video Wall - Urban Gallery on the street (10. 11. 2013), Ljubljana, Slovenia
2011 My Rooms of Timelessness, multimedia installation, Bežigrad Gallery 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2010 Possible Stories, multimedia installation, Gallery TukadMunga, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2018 Production of desire and pleasure, The Duckling Festival 2018, festival and group show (series of drawings Your body is the image of my desire, performance Fontana)
2018 Pornceptual, group show at the launch of magazine issue number 3: Guerilla, with series Fontana (in collaboration with Jo Pollux), Humboldt Box and Soho House, Berlin, Germany
2017 Epilog, group show (video installation In rooms of memories that never where), Dvorec Novo Celje, Žalec, Slovenia
2016 House on the Hill, group show (video Disparition), Saint Marjeta Hill, Žlebe, Slovenia
2016 Masks at a contemporary art exhibition, video, part of group show Mondes Parallelles (Parallel Worlds), France
2014 Flatmates – multimedia installations, (photos, drawings, images, objects, video, sound, spatial installations), Gallery A+A, Venice, 20th of March - 10th of May
2013 Zabava, video + installation + performances, Trienale U3, Modern Gallery and Museum of Contemporary Art MSUM, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 20th June – 29th of September
2013 “Vendredi des vidéastes : histoires racontées”, projection of The boy is mine, video, Galerie de l’Angle, Paris, France
2013 series Maske (drawings, paintings, photos - wall installation), part of “Figures de déplacement” (group show), Gallery 6 B, Saint-Denis, France
2012 Alice's Landscape n. 1 – installation with sound + sound piece, at The Art of Dreaming (working title), Miklova house, Ribnica, Slovenia
2012 Kiss, the loop of Narcisse, projection of video, part of Human Emotion Project, Festival Bataclan international, Mexico city, Mexico
2011 Music Box, projection of video, Festival Oodaaq, Rennes, France
2011 Late at night, projection of video, Festival »Natures 8« Bežigrad Gallery 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2011 Disparition, projection of video, part of Vidéothèque evening at École nationale supérieure des beaux arts de Paris, Paris, France
2011 Music Box, video, at « Miscellaneous », group show of graduating students, l’Ecole supérieure d’art de Quimper, Quimper, France
2011 Music Box, video, at »Nucleus «, group show of graduating students, The Belltable Arts Centre, Limerick, Irland
2010 Une autre situation, fifth year student show, l’Ecole supérieure d’art de Quimper, Quimper, France
2010 Disparition, projection of video, Festival »Natures 8« Bežigrad Gallery 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2010 Antoine and me, painting, Show of participants of Academic fine art residence of Mladinski dom Brežice, Brežice, Slovenia
2010 Antoine and me, painting, Show of participants of Academic fine art residence of Mladinski dom Brežice, Galerija Grad Mokrice, Mokrice, Slovenia
2009 Ma chambre (My Room), at the Festival »Par ici par l’art«, Dordogne, France
2002 drawings, paintings and performative poetry evening at Red Dawns Festival of Feminist Art, Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Archive of Slovene video art DIVA, SCCA-Ljubljana, Slovenia
Internet archive of video and film artists Mubi Garage
2018 Fontana, performance, approx. 8 min, at Production of desire and pleasure, The Duckling Festival 2018, Račka Gallery, Celje, Slovenia, September 22nd
2018 Your own Diva, solo show, 180min, Barbiche, Berlin, September 9th
2018 No merci for Fruit, performance, approx. duration 20min, at the Poetry Brothel - Bacchanal edition, Tango Loft, Berlin, August 30th
2018 Songs and performance numbers (Lonesome soldier, etc), solo show (approx. 30min), Katz and Bach Gallery, Berlin, May
2018 Cabaret in Love, trial run, 60min, Barbiche, Berlin, May
2018 Shows a la Carte, solo show, 240min (a series of 12 performances), Barbiche, Berlin, March 24th
2018 Pragnant Cat-Rabbit and Icecream (the Oslo suite), visual and musical performance, Antiplayboy the Fest Vol.1, Cafe Haerverk, Oslo, Norway, March 18th
2018 Lonesome soldier and Baby Lyn Blanche: the Dance of Pills, at Stand up Tragedy, Lovelite, Berlin, April 9th
2018 The Golden Goddess, Faetish: Cupid's Kinly Carneval, Insomnia Club, Berlin, February 16th
2018 Fontana, Pornceptual magazine launch #3, Humboldt Box, Berlin, January 27th
2017 Fontana, PAVA - Performance and Visual artists Club Festival, Alte Munze, Berlin, December 16th
2017 Fontana, performance, Pornaltes Wet and Hot Winter Edition, Altes Finanzamt, Berlin, December 2nd
2017 Live music and written word performance (Release me not, Inside), Stories on stage - Queer feminist poetry and more, B-lage, Berlin, November 27th
2017 The Balloon Venus, durational installation-performance, Faetish Nymph-o, Insomnia club, Berlin, November 25th
2017 Rapparabbit, performance, Berlin Porn Film festival: Porn'Altes Lounge, October 27th
2017 Candice Jones, performance, durational, Poetry Brothel Berlin - The Lynchian Edition, Insomnia club, Berlin, september
2017 Appearing in the documentary film Red, with my show Shades of Blood, as one of the main protagonists.
2017 Slovenija gori!, direction: Sebastjan Horvat, production of Anton Podbevšek Teater (my role is one of the 5 performers and co-author of text), duration: 120 min, opening night 21st of april, than 24. in 30. april, 27. oktobra 2017 (Borštnikovo srečanje, Kranj)
2017 Cat, solo performance, approx. 9min, at festival Soundacts, Athens, May 28
2017 In rooms of memories that were not, performance in the installation (video of the dance on my website)
2016 Fontana, performance, approx. duration: 8min; VIII. contemporary dance national review, Španski borci, 9. October
2016 Pascual's evening of Virtual Tijuana, a kind of cabaret (performer and co-creator, as part of the Trabuko collective that I compose with Carlos Pascual and Maurico Valdès San Emetario), approx. duration 50min, Vodnikova domačija, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 20. October
2016 Shades of blood (author, performer, director, stage design and lights), performance-show, produced by Noemi Veberič Levovnik in Pocket teater studio, Ljubljana, approx. duration 70min; 17. September, 29. in 30. November, Tovarna Rog in Pocket teater studio
2016 Ne-srečna noč, cabaret (performer and co-creator, as part of the Trabuko collective), Vodnikova domačija, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 20th December, approx. duration 50min
2016 Shades of blood, open rehersal and first public representation, Ljubljana, Rog, 17. September
2016 Ljubljana, Rog - Cirkusarna Naokrog, 2nd September, Festival of experimental circus Fall (with performances/numbers; Lonesome town, Baby Lyn Blanche and Long winding road)
2016 Koper, Rumena noč (Hlavatyev park/Boho chic), Slovenia, 29. and 30. July: performance Rapparabbit
2016 Graz, Signdance collective, June: rehersal, research and first open rehersal for the show The Turtle Trials
2016 Ljubljana, Mladinsko gledališče: Us, the European dead (directed by Sebastjan Horvat): assistant of direction and of scenography, opening night 4. June
2016 Ljubljana, Rog, June 25th: An evening of performances, retrospective show combining performances of 2015-2016
2016 Ljubljana, Festival Spider, Španski borci, 2-3. June: Host+performance (Baby Lyn Blanche and Rapparabbit)
2015 Ljubljana, Cirkusarna NaoKrog, 19. December, Searching for the nightlife, edition Cirkusarna : show (concept, direction, main performer) - single time live event
2015 Ljubljana, klub Gromka, 15. October.: Emanat: Moira Finucane: public presentation as part of the festival City of Women with performance Lonesome town
2015 Created several performances and characters, from time to time performing in alternative space in Cirkusarna NaoKrog in Ljubljana
2015 Concert of my original music: Alica Double and Velvet do-gooders, Ljubljana, klub Gromka, 24th June, part of festival Mlade Rime (Young Rhymes)
2015 Ljubljana, Maribor, Nova Gorica, Izola, Ana Monro : Alone within the crowd 2, street theater event, - performer and co-creator
2015 Ljubljana, Gallery Alktraz in Moderna Galerija, Looking for the nightlife, three live events (Springbreak night, galerija Alkatraz, 9.4. 2015, Sketches for Voguing - Modern Gallery Ljubljana; 15.4. 2015, Skrivnost, ki jo vsem povem - Gallery Alkatraz, 5.4.)
2014 Vienna, Tüwi; Curious Circus Collective: Tüwieté, 13. in 14. December: Lulu Lapin: Bad bad bunny
2014 Ljubljana, klub Gromka, 11. okt.: Emanat: Ursula Martinez: Beyond Burlesque, public presentation as part of the festival City of Women: Bunny with a fever
2014 Ana Monro : Alone within the crowd, street theater event, - performer and co-creator, opening 18th September, in front of Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana
2009 Cameroon, residency + workshop »Art et Environnement« with Art Orienté objet and african artists, in Douala
2010 London, 2 months living and working with the experimental director and artist Stephen Dwoskin
2011 l’Ecole supérieure d’art de Quimper, Quimper, France, workshop with Nathalie Tallec
2011 l’Ecole supérieure d’art de Quimper, Quimper, France, workshop with Fanny Lechaillé
2012 Ljubljana, Emanat : Antonia Baehr & Keren Ida Nathan (Berlin): workshop of new queer burlesque Tiny Buttons
2010 - 2011 Langages/Languages - experimental platform for interdisciplinary projects at the Art School in Quimper
2014 ŠUGLA, the international street theater workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2014 Ljubljana, Emanat: worshop with Ursula Martinez: Beyond burlesque
2015 Ljubljana: Emanat: Moira Finucane: Worshop of burlesque