the party

The installation that I made in-situ at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Ljubljana, Slovenia (MSUM), in June 2013, in addition to it there were also 6 live impromptu performances. It all started with a video in Paris, one evening I gathered some friends at an incredible old bourgeois flat, put masks on them and forbid them to talk or eat for a couple of hours. The result is strange, funny and I believe it tells many stories about how we interact in society as well as about the space. The title is almost ironic, but in the end, somehow it did become a party. In a way of a surreal dream, I talk about the everyday. The room which I created for the video projection was an extension of the spaces that we see in the video. I wanted to include the viewer, to surround him by this universe. I covered the walls with cardboard boxes and put a carpet on the floor. I painted the walls and the ceiling with a base of black and some colors were appearing out of it as well as hints of ornaments. The painting details and colors were revieled only when video got bright enough. I liked the aspect of slightly hidden which only appears in glimpses. Ornaments were also on the cusions and curtains. They were responding to richly ornamented interiors in the video. There are no words in the video, but by putting on the headphones, the visitors could listen to my commentary, which was synced with the video. 


In the impromptu performances, my friends in Slovenia put on the same masks which were worn in the video from Paris. There was only one rule, not to speak while they were masked. They played different kind of games. First time at the opening of the exhibition in the Museum where the Party installation was present, afterwards they appeared at certain openings of exhibitions which fit with the title of my project - Zabavaj me/Amuse me (the slovene title of this installation and video was Zabava) and Interruptions - where I interrupted a dance performance at the opening of the Graphic arts bienalle, upon request of a dancer friend who was performing there.