the first living room :
Music box
2011, 23min, sound
This video was projected in the Living Room. I made it that year. Shot in Britanny, France, with a professional actor from the region and his boyfriend, a gardner that took care of the garden that you see in the video, and that belongs to the house. The house, at the time of the shooting of this video, belonged to an old lady who passed away about a year or two before the shooting, but everything in the house remained as it was when she was still alive - her children just took care of the house but didn't change it or live in it.
This video was projected in both versions of the Living room.
The place to listen to Alice's Soundscape N. 1
The 3 spaces installation for my Master's degree, at Ecole Superieure d'art de Quimper, Quimper France. First one in April and second one in May 2011. The concept was to create spaces from and with my works in diverse formats and media - sound, video, objects, photos, drawings, paintings - turning them into whole worlds, so that each individual work becomes part of this universe. I wanted to, in a somewhat megalomaniac fashion, create my entire universum inside room or home-like installations.
Both times, the spaces had the same names: "A children's room" with a special corner that I designated as "My Room" or "My corner"; A "Living room" and a "Documentation/Travels Room".
second living room.
A sound piece/ soundscape I recorded in a professional studio in Quimper and edited at the Art school. Includes my voice and those of my schoolmates. All the effects were applied live while I was recording, the technician would give me effects and I just improvised with the sounds. Afterwards I created a special dream journey with sound recordings found on the internet as well as some of my original songs. It is to be listened to on headphones preferably, while lying down or sitting in a comfy chair, closing your eyes.