SHADES OF BLOOD - Odtenki krvave
I was always fascinated with mestruation. And so Rapparabbit came to life. I love boobs. And so I became Fontana. I love to bite and I want to be free to chose if I will give birth - and so I became the pregnant cat. I’ve always had a huge appetite for sex and a fascination with other worlds - and so I became the Rabbit.
Shades of Blood combines a series of performances around the common themes of Feminine, Body, Sexuality, Death, Birth, Conception and Abortion. Bathing in a pop/clubby feel and contrasting colors, Shades are a hybrid of genres; a messy burlesque, an experimental cabaret, a contemporary movement piece, performance art, and also a collaborative space. Shades are composed of several "numbers" which I perform under different characters (a Cat, two Rabbits, a Fountain...), and which mostly also stand as independent performances.
In the Shades, I host another performer or artist who inhabits the stage in between my numbers, we altearnate and cohabit, leaving traces of our presence as the setting of the stage evolves with the process. It can be a DJ, a dancer, a performer of any kind, whose work somehow creates and interesting juxtaposition with the themes I adress in this piece.
The first collaborator/guest of the Shades was a clown and contemporary dancer, Gregor Kamnikar, or rather his alter-ego, The Only Living Diva.
photos: Sunčan Stone